i had nowhere else to put this and don't know if it's going to interest anyone, but i just wanted to share my thoughts and ramble a bit about the web in general. it's random and my english is sometimes a bit bad, so sorry about that.

anyways... why did i start using neocities? well i guess the simple answer is that like many others my age who after years of using more modern (boring) internet platforms, i found myself having a craving for the nostalgia of the web customization i did in my younger years. last time i dabbled in coding was around 10 years ago, and before that it was when i was in middle school and spent my days on anime community sites.

the last 5 or more years i have barely touched a computer, because i simply haven't had the need to (except for when i had school work), and it was kind of liberating to be honest. the magic of computers that i had felt as a kid was long gone and i thought it was more of a burden to have to start up a slow and heavy lump. why would i want to do that when i had a phone or tablet that was way faster, lighter and could do most of the things i did on my computer? when i got to neocities i realized that while i can do most things on a mobile unit, some things actually do require a computer to make it go a bit smoother. and to be honest computers do have a certain charm to them (^^;)

i can't say that i despise the web of today. i really think that a lot of things has gotten easier! i can use the internet whenever i want, which was something that i could only dream of as a kid. but maybe that is exactly the reason why the internet seems more boring nowadays, it's nothing special anymore. i think that because of that it's nice sometimes to go back to doing things the way i did when i thought the web was fun. i can admit that i was never that comfortable with social medias, since i'm not a great speaker to many people. because of that i can sometimes miss the one on one conversations you could have with people on the internet in the past, this is something that from my experience seems to be more or less nonexistent today.

what i feel about the web nowadays is that, like me, other people have maybe gotten a more indifferent view about it. everyone uses it, and they use it for everything, not just for entertainment, creations or general "fun" things, so the status of it is rather low. what i wish is that we all could contribute a bit more to making the web fun again. and that's why enjoy neocities (^▽^)

since 2024