welcome to my webpage & enjoy your stay ~ thanks for over 10k views!
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you've entered tsunderoid domains

this is my space for testing out codes, writing about the things i like & more. stick around to see more about me or leave me a message!

90% of this web page was coded on a tablet so we're mobile friendly! although some things might not show up in certain browsers...

shortcut to learn about me



things might still be a bit unstable, but i think most functions are now working!

you are visitor number:
Web Clap by FC2

clap my page


2024-02-19: added a 'shrines' page

2024-02-17: changed the 'home' page.

2024-02-12: added a 'music' page.

2024-02-11: added a 'shoes & bags' page.

2024-02-09: updated header.

2024-02-01: added a 'profile' page.

2024-01-26: added a startpage.

2024-01-25: updated my 'about' page.

2024-01-22: added some blinkies.

2024-01-18: changed up the design a bit.

2024-01-16: added some music ♫

2024-01-15: opened up the page for the first time!

since 2024